1 is Not the Loneliest Number
Series: Our Imperfect Family
Some Initial Truths
- Marriage isn’t mandatory nor it is for everyone
- Marriage is the best option for many
- Singleness is the best option for some
- Nothing wrong with being single
- Being single is a gift from God
- Being single has its advantages
It’s Better to Remain Single Than..
- To marry an unbeliever
- To marry someone who will hinder your spiritual growth
- To marry for the wrong reason or motive
- To marry without being willing to give ourselves to another completely
It’s Better to Marry If…
- Our lives would be more complete with a mate
- God leads us to someone we love and who loves us
- We are confident that our relationship will illustrate Christ’s love for the Church
- We are willing to spend the remainder of our days giving more than receiving.
The Value of Being Single
- You can be single minded
- You have fewer distractions
- You have fewer troubles
- You have fewer concerns
How Should I View My Life?
- Find your identity in Christ
- Find your significance in Christ
- Find your purpose in Christ
What Should I Be Doing?
- Be content - Find your satisfaction & delight in Jesus first
- Be working on yourself
- Be patient in God’s perfect timing
- Be careful of sexual temptation & settling for just anyone
- Be joyful where God has you
- Be growing in your walk with the Lord and as a person
- Be serving the Church and others
Whether married or single, Christ must be
my greatest priority.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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