A Church That Was Willing to Change
The Mystery & Method of God Vs 19
Persecution Acts 8-9
The Metropolis They Were In Vs 19
Antioch of Syria
The Mold Was Broken Vs 20
They sought out the Gentiles
The Men God Used Vs 19-20
Untrained Laymen
The Message Was Proclaimed Vs 21-24
The Hand of the Lord was with them
The Message was culturally relevant
The Call to cling and continue in their faith
The Multiplication Was Continuing Vs 21, 24, 26
Discipleship was a priority
The Mission Was Shared Vs 25-26
We can’t do it alone
God uses us in His perfect timing
God prepares us for the next mission
The Moniker Was Given Vs 26
“Christian” – belonging to, identified by, of the class of Christ – Little Christs Acts 26:28; I Peter 4:16
The Mercy That Showed Maturity Vs 27-30
Everyone gave what they were able to
4 Important Truths About Change
- Changes Are Inevitable
- Any Change Requires Adjustments
- Each Change Must Be Examined
- How We React To the Change Is Crucial
Questions to Ask & Answer:
Where has God placed you and how is He preparing you to make a difference where you are?
How are you daily praying for God’s Hand to be on your life & how are you continually clinging & continuing in your faith?
Are we seeing multiplication happen here at Petal FBC?
How does your life reflect the fact that you belong to Christ?
How important is your church family to you and why?

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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