A Strange Way to Save the World
Series: The Rest of the Stories of Christmas
The Society – WHY NOW?
- The Silence
- The Scandal
- The Satisfaction of Prophecy
The Setting: A Stable in Bethlehem – WHY THERE?
The Story: People – WHY THEM?
- The Servants – Joseph and Mary
- The Supernatural – The Angels
- The Shepherds
- The Seekers & A Star
The Surprise – WHY THIS WAY?
- The Savior – The Spotless Lamb of God
- Swapped Heaven for Earth
- Seek Him For Who He Was, Not Just For What He
Could Do For Us
- Show Us What God Was Like
- Show Us How Great His Love Was
- Show Us He Desired a Relationship with Everyone
Our Situation – WHAT NOW & WHAT ABOUT ME?
- Separated From God
- Slaves to Sin & Self
- Spare Us from Death (Here and in the life to come)
- Sacrifice Was Required
- Salvation for Our Souls
- Surrender

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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