Call to Stand Be Firm in the Word
Series: Call to Stand 2 Timothy
The Ungodly Example – The Evidence of the End Vs 1-9
- They Are Lovers of Self
- Their Religion Is a Show
- They Oppose the Truth
The Godly Example Vs 10-11
- His Pattern & Purpose
- His Priorities: Faith, Patience, Love
- His Perseverance & Persecution
The Exhortation Vs 14-15
- The Resolve: Continue & Be Confident in His Word
- The Remembrance: His Childhood & His Course
The Essential Vs 16
- It is Inspired and Infallible
- It is For Information (Doctrine and Reproof)
- It is For Instruction (Correction and Training)
The Equipped Vs 17
- Perfect
- Prepared
Our Response:
- Has there ever been that moment where you have responded to God’s Call on your life? Give Him your heart & life today! Remember it is as simple as ABC! Admit to God you are a sinner, Ask for His forgiveness, Believe Jesus is God’s Son, Confess Him as Savior & Commit Your Life to Him as Lord.
- Have you asked Christ into your heart but never made it public?. Have you not been baptized? You can come & make that decision today public today. Are you a part of a church family? If not, you need one! Is the Lord calling you to FBC today? Why wait any longer?
- Can someone follow the pattern, purpose and priorities of your life and be more like Jesus Christ? Can they see Jesus in you by the way you live? What changes do you need to make in order for them to see that in your life?
- Have you ever suffered for following Christ? How so? Was it worth it? Are you any danger to the kingdom of darkness? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to follow Christ? Name some way He might call you to suffer for the Gospel
- Are you in the Word? If not, why not? In order to be prepared and mature in your faith, we must daily be in the Word of God. How will change your routine this week in order to make time to be in the Word?

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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