Easter 2018 We Were Dead... But Then God

Who We Were Vs 1-3
- We Were Dead
- We Were Walking in Satan’s Way
- We Were Living for Our Flesh
- We Were Condemned
What God Did Vs 5-6
- Made Us Alive
- Raised Us Up with Him
- Seated Us with Him
Why God Did It Vs 4,7
- He Is Rich in Mercy
- His Great Love
- To Shower Us With His Kindness
How God Did It Vs 8-9
- By His Grace
- Through Our Faith
- It is a Gift
The Reason God Did It Vs 10
- We are Created to Be His Masterpiece
- We are Called to Good Works
Our Response:
- May we be reminded that our salvation is a gift, though not free - it costs Jesus everything – and we cannot earn it. Why is that? So that no one can boast and say I did it! How do you think you’ve tried or are currently trying to earn that salvation? May hear the call to simply accept the gift today and let go and let the Lord redeem you!
- Today, do you realize that you are dead and condemned with Jesus? You can accept this free gift of God by His grace if you will by faith believe and surrender your heart and life to Him! It’s as simple as ABC. Admit to God you are a sinner, Ask for His forgiveness, Believe Jesus is God’s Son, Confess Him as Savior & Commit Your Life to Him as Lord. (the Boss of your life)
- Have you asked Christ into your heart, but never made it public? Have you been baptized? If not, you can make that decision today and be obedient and follow through and become a part of the Petal FBC Family.
- Do you need a church home – without one a Christian is an orphan. Don’t just attend – step over the line today and join this family! We need you and you need us.
- Aren’t you grateful for what God did for you and for me through His Son Jesus? Would you spend some time this week reflecting on His great mercy and love, and that heaven is a place where He will for the rest of eternity pour out His the overwhelming amount of grace & kindness towards us? Amazing! How have you seen God’s mercy, love, kindness in your life? How has that made a difference in your life?
- May we live in a way realizing that we have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead available to us everyday of our lives! Where do you need see that power in your life??
- May we this week live as His masterpiece – His life on display through our lives. May we live to do those good works, not to earn our salvation, but to simply be that light and salt to a lost and dying world and that they may see us and glorify our Father in Heaven! May they look at us and say – How is that possible? We say – Jesus!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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