Learning to Survive the Shipwrecks of Life
Series: Acts the End of the Beginning
The Start of the Journey Vs 1-8
The Storm on the Horizon Vs 9-13
The Storm without Warning Vs 14-20
The Storm Forces Us to Act Vs 21-44
- We can try to pretend or ignore it
- We can give in and give up
- We can try to just survive
- We can turn and trust & thrive Vs 21-26
- We must throw out anchors Vs 27-44
- The Anchor of Reliability & Stability Vs 20-26
- God’s Presence
- God’s Possession
- God’s Providence & Power & Our Perspective
- The Anchor of Relationship Vs 27-32
- The Anchor of Renewal Vs 33-36
- The Anchor of Reality Vs 37-44

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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