Overcomer: Overcoming Anxiety/Worry
Series: Overcomer

What Do We Worry About?
- Our Clan
- Our Cash
- Our Circumstances Past, Present & Future
- Our Career
- Our Classes
- Our Condition
Why Shouldn’t We Worry?
- It Is a Sin
- It Divides Us
- It Makes Us Ineffective
- It Makes Us Like the World
- It Causes Us to Lose Our Joy
- It Causes Us to Lose Our Focus
How to Overcome Worry We Must Focus on…
- Our Faith Vs 30
- Our Father 31-32
Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 112:6-8; Psalm 16:7-9,11; John 15:27; Philippians 4:4-9
- Our First Priority Vs 33
- Our Future Vs 34
Some Healthy Things to Worry About
- Our Lack of a Personal Relationship with Jesus
- Our Lack of Desire in Our Daily Walk with Jesus
- Our Lack of Desire for the Body of Christ
- Our Lack of Desire to Share Jesus with Others
Our Response:
- Give your heart and life to Jesus Christ today. Settle it this morning, right now!
- Give your worry over to the Lord, give back to Him whatever it is you have been carrying with you.
- If you are struggling deeply with worry/anxiety, seek out help from someone. Don’t fight it alone.
- Begin to truly seek first His Kingdom, make it your 1st Priority in your daily life
- Ask God to give you spiritual burden over your daily walk with Him and how that plays out in your daily life.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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