Overcomer: Overcoming Apathy
Series: Overcomer

OVERCOMER: Overcoming Apathy
1 Kings 18:1-46
APATHY - Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. Lack of emotion/feeling; impassiveness.
- Israel’s Compromise & Corruption Vs 1-15
- The Confrontation Vs 16 – 18
- The Challenge Vs 19-20, 22-24
- The Confrontation & Their Choice Vs 21
- The Contest & The Circus – Vs 25-29
- The Contrast Of Elijah Vs 30-35
- Elijah’s Communion with God & His Confession of God–Vs 36-37
- Elijah’s Courage & Confidence Vs 36-37
- The Creator Answers & Consumes .
the Altar & Sacrifice Vs 38
- The Conviction And The Commitment Vs 39
- The Consequences Vs 40
- The Conclusion Vs 41-46
- Are you excited and passionate about the things of God or do you yawn at the things of God?
- Does your heart beat with the heart of God for a lost and dying world?
- Do you look forward to spending time with Him in His Word and Prayer
- Do you long to spend time in corporate worship?
- Do you look forward to spending time investing your life in His bride, the Church?
- Can you say that God is on His throne in your life and there is nothing else competing for that place?
- Are you willing to acknowledge your sin and confess it Him on a daily basis?
- Do you think about God and talk to God during your day allowing Him to direct you, guide you?
- Serve God alone and have no other gods before Him
- Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
- Confess your Apathy (Agree with God about your Sin)
- Repent and Return to the Lord with all your heart
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