Race and Reconciliation
Series: Elephants: Big Topics We Tend to Avoid
Race isn’t a political issue but a Gospel issue.
The picture of heaven with the diversity of people worshiping around the throne shouldn’t have to be reserved just for heaven – it is supposed to happen down here too!
The Realities of Racism
- Racism and racial tension isn’t anything new in the last 200 years – it’s been happening for thousands of years.
- Our country grows ever more diverse and the population diversity is rapidly shifting.
- There is still racial division on our country, and it some areas and and with some groups of people, it grows stronger among all races.
- There is still racism that exists in the church – Sunday morning is still the most segregated hour in America.
- There have been some strides in reconciliation but there is still a long way to go. There are some systemic issues that are still pervasive.
The Reasons People Give
- Tradition – way it’s always been
- Ignorance - Stereotypes
- Excuses
- Fear
The Results of Racism
- Misunderstanding
- Hatred
- Fear
- Division
Our Return to Scripture
- Peter had prejudice - he had bias - Jew towards Gentile.
- The Lord challenged Peter.
- Peter had to admit the truth.
- God had to change his heart and mind.
- Peter had to be willing to change.
- God used Peter to see the doors flung wide open for the Gospel & the church.
Our Response to Racism
- Recognize your prejudice & biases.
- Reexamine your heart.
- Repent of those sins.
- Refuse to stay that way.
- Rejoice in our differences & our sameness.
- Realize it’s easier to stay with your own culture but fight that temptation.
- Reach Out in Reconciliation
- Be aware & appreciate other ethnicities and cultures.
- Be eager to understand – Seek to understand before trying to be understood.
- Be willing to listen & learn (have a teachable spirit).
- Be intentional in building relationships.
- Be mindful this is challenging at times to do but worth
it in the end.
- Be certain to die to yourself.
- Remember God’s desire is for The Church to be undivided. So let's not build back what Jesus came to tear down, nor create divisions where Jesus came to bring peace.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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