Reading the Bible as A Guide for Life
Series: Read the Bible for Life

The #1 predictor of a person’s spiritual health is whether or not they read the Bible on a daily basis.
16% of churchgoers read the Bible everyday
37% say that Bible reading and study have made a significant difference in the way they live their lives.
Listen to the Word (Love the Word) Psalm 1:1-3
We cannot understand what we don’t hear.
We must start with the Bible as the foundation and thus have a Biblical worldview.
Understand the Word (Learn the Word) Deut. 6:1-12
We cannot live what we don’t understand.
- Have a Readable Translation That Works for You
- Have Other Good Bible Study Tools
We must see the whole story of Scripture.
Respond to the Word (Live the Word) James 1:22-25
The goal is not just knowledge but to apply Scripture to
our lives so we will make a difference
“Apply yourself wholly to the Scriptures. Apply the
Scriptures wholly to yourself.” Johann Albrecht Bengel
We need to identify specific ways that we can apply the Scripture to our everyday lives.
Two Kinds of Space We Need Mark 4:1-20
- Life Space
- Seek the Holy Spirit for Understanding
- Set a Specific Time
- Set a Specific Place
- Have a Specific Plan
- Focus on the Person
- Heart Space
- Hardened
- Shallow
- Crowded
- Receptive
- Commit to Reading the Word of God every day for the rest of the year. Put aside all your excuses and make the plunge that could forever change your life! Use your Bible, reading plans online or the Bible App.
- Commit to being in Worship and LifeGroups to hearing and loving the Word of God taught and applied.
- Make space in your life for the Word and Jesus – Fall more in love with Jesus as you read and digest His Words to you!!
- Don’t just get the Word in you, but also get it out of you! Be open & listen to the opportunities to share what you have learned from God’s Word and how it has helped or changed you and how it might help or encourage them.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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