Route 66: 1 & 2 Chronicles - A History For Hope
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

The Lord & His Covenant
The Lord is In Control
The Lord is to Be the Center
- The Glory of the Temple
- It Was Designed by God
- It Was Inhabited by God
- It Was for the Worship of God by ALL People
The Dangers of Improper Worship
- Worship Must Center on God
- Worship Is Dependent on God’s Presence
- There Is No Acceptable Substitute for God
The Lord’s Command & Concern
The Glory of His Name
The Lord’s Clear Call To…
- Repent
- Return
- Be Renewed
- Do you see & hear God’s call that what He values the most is the glory of His name displayed throughout the whole world, but most importantly through you? What does that mean to you? How will you display God’s glory in your life this week?
- Do you also hear the message of how important godly leadership is and the difference it can make even in the midst of great moral failure and decline? How can you make a difference today in your church, community, and culture?
- Do you see and hear that God is in control – sovereign over all things? How does that make a difference in your everyday life? How does it affect the choices and decision you make?
- As you read through 1 & 2 Chronicles (in a few weeks) – what do you see and learn that you didn’t know before? How does that change how you think and respond to the Lord?
- What do you discover new about the Lord as you read through 1 & 2 Chronicles and how He works?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread weaving through the book of 1 & 2 Chronicles?
- How do you see God’s great love and mercy throughout the book of 1 & 2 Chronicles?
- Would we see the incredible patience of God with His people and offering them chance after chance to repent and return? Where do you need to repent, return, and be renewed in your life today? How does that make you love the Lord even more?
- Do you long to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth in your own personal life and also with the body of Christ? How will you do that this week?
- Is the Lord at the center of every area of your life? How do you know? What changes do you need to make to be certain that He is at the center?
- Where in your life are you not heeding God’s warning and have begun to waver and sin? – Confess & repent today! May we hear the Word of the Lord today as the prophets spoke long ago – Don’t turn away but turn to the Lord!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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