Route 66 1st & 2nd Samuel: The Rise of a King
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

Eli: An Indifferent Man Marked By Disobedience
- His Failure as A Priest
- His Failure As A Parent
Samuel: An Influential Man Marked By Obedience
- His Mother
- His Ministry
- His Mistake
Saul: An Impressive Man Marked By Self-Reliance
- He Was an Impressive Man
- He Was an Impatient Man
- He was an Insecure Man
- He Was an Impenitent Man
David: An Impressed Man Marked By Faith
- His Preparation – Sheep & Saul
- His Passion/Priority – He Lived for the Glory of God
- His Position – He Was Blessed by God
- His Pitfall – Sin
- His Penitence – Confession & Repentance
- His Pardon – Forgiveness
- His Penalty – Consequences
- His Promise - Permanence
- Be in LifeGroups & Worship every Sunday & Stay on the journey to Reading God’s Word every day in 2018.
- In Samuel, do you hear and see the God’s concern is not on the outside but what is in the heart? What is the condition of your heart today and how is that reflected by what shows to others on the outside?
- Do you hear God’s call for obedience and not sacrifice? How does that need to play out in your life?
- Are you hearing the message of David’s life versus that of Saul that the Lord blesses and hears and respond to a person of confession and repentance? What do you need to repent or confess to the Lord today?
- As you read through 1 & 2 Samuel in a few months) – what do you see and learn that you didn’t know before? How does that change how you think and respond to the Lord?
- What do you discover new about the Lord as you read through 1 & 2 Samuel and how He works?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread weaving through the book of 1 & 2 Samuel? Hint – the tribe of Judah once again
- How do you see God’s great love and mercy throughout the book of 1 & 2 Samuel in particular found in the lives of the men who we talked about today?
- Don’t you love the Lord for His grace to forgive but not only that His grace that walks with us even through the consequences of our bad choices.
- Would you gain a greater understanding and love for our Heavenly Father as we hear the story of these 4 men – 2 men who loved the Lord with all that they were and 2 men who did not? Which one of these men does your life reflect right now and why? What needs to change?
- Where are you in that cycle that we talked about this morning? Is your heart like Eli & Saul’s or is it more like Samuel & David’s? In what areas of your life do you need to confess and repent? Write them down and do just that –
make the necessary changes today…

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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