Route 66 Amos & Obadiah: Judgment & Justice
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

Look Around and See God’s Judgment
- The Judge 1:1-2; 3:3-8, 12
- Those Who Are Judged 1:3,6,11,13; 2:1,4,7b-8,13; 3:2
Look Within and See the Corruption
- The People 3:9-15; 6:8-14
- Their Leaders 4:1-3; 6:1-7
- Their Religion 4:6-11; 5:4-6, 10-13, 18-24, 27
Look Ahead and See the End Coming
- The Character of God’s Judgment
- With Mercy 7:3,6; 9:11-15
- With Justice 7:7-9
- With Certainty 7:10-17
- The Cause of God’s Judgment 8:1-12
Look & Ask Does God Care?
Who Are God’s Enemies? Vs 1-16
- The Proud
- The Opponents of God’s People
Who Are God’s Friends? Vs 17-21a
Who Is God? Vs 21b
Who Are You?
- Do you hear the message that the Day of the Lord is coming? Are you prepared and ready? If you are not, then do something about that today!
- Do you hear the truth that God judges the whole world including us as believers? How will your life line up with His calling to follow Him exclusively and wholeheartedly?
- Do you see and hear God’s call to love His Word, to read and study His word, to mediate on His Word, to follow His Word? How will you do that this week? In a LifeGroup and even more in your own daily walk with the Lord?
- Do you hear & understand the clear word that God’s judgment is real and it ends in hell for those who don’t know Christ? Do you also hear God’s clear call of mercy & invitation to hear the gospel and respond to it and be saved? Who will save you?
- How do you see the Lord at work in Amos & Obadiah? How does that change how you think & then respond to the Lord?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread in these 2 books?
- What do you learn about God & His role in history then in Amos & Obadiah & even now? How does that give you hope?
- Where do you see God’s love and faithfulness to his people in Amos & Obadiah? Where do you see it in your own life?
- When you see God’s call of salvation and that He is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and overflowing with love, what is your response to that?
- As you see God’s loving and tough discipline He brings on His people, how does it make you trust and love God more?
- Where do you need to return to the Lord and rend your hearts, not just the “outside”, and change your ways. Write them down today and do something about them.
- Are you God’s friend or enemy? If His enemy, then do something about that – give your heart and life to Him today!
- Turn to the Word & Turn others to the Word - LISTEN for what the Lord has to say to you, LEARN more about Him & His Word, fall deeper in LOVE with Him, LIVE it out this week, & then share it with someone in your circle of influence.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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