Route 66 Daniel Standing Firm & the Future
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible
Remember Leaders & Nations Come and Go
Daniel 4:30; 5:17-21
Trust in An Unchanging God
Daniel 2:20-23; 44, 37-38 4:34b-35a
Stand Firm in Changing Times
- Be Uncorrupted & Undefiled
Daniel 1:8-9, 17-20
- Be Unyielding & Uncompromising
Daniel 3:16-18
- Be Unquestionable, Undeterred & Unshaken
Daniel 6:19-24
Trust that God Holds the Unforeseeable But Certain
Daniel 9:3-19 7:9-10; 13-14; 12;1
- Do you hear the message that God will not tolerate pride and arrogance in leaders or anyone for that matter? Where is pride a problem in your life? What needs to change?
- Do you see and hear the incredible visions and images of the future that gave hope to their present circumstance? Where do you need hope and trust God for your current situation? How does that change your outlook?
- Do you see and hear God’s call to love His Word, to read and study His word, to meditate on His Word, to follow His Word? How will you do that this week? In a LifeGroup and even more in your own daily walk with the Lord? Where and how are you listening to the Word of God in your life?
- Do you hear God’s call to stand firm even in our ever-changing culture? Where are you tempted to compromise? Where do you need to stand firm today? Write it down.
- How do you see the Lord at work in Daniel? How does that change how you think & then respond to the Lord?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread weaving through the book of Daniel?
- What do you learn about God & His role in history in Daniel’s time & even now? How does that help you hope in Him?
- Where do you see God’s love and faithfulness to his people in the book of Daniel as they are in captivity? Where do you see it in your own life?
- As you see the incredible visions of the future, how does it make you trust and love God more?
- Name an area where you need to trust in our unchanging God
- Name an area where the Lord is calling you to stand firm like Daniel and the three boys in the fiery furnace.
- May we live our lives this week in such a way that we will be caught in prayer, reading God’s Word and standing firm!
- Turn to the Word & Turn others to the Word - LISTEN for what the Lord has to say to you, LEARN more about Him, fall deeper in LOVE with Him, and then LIVE it out this week, & share it with someone in your circle of influence.
Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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