Route 66: Deuteronomy Same Story, Second Verse
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

"Deuteronomy: Same Story, Second Verse”
Deut. 6:4-9; 30:15-20
February 4, 2018
God’s Clear Call
- The Look Back: Beware & Don’t Forget (1-4)
- The Look Within: We Must Love Him (5-11)
- The Look Ahead: Take the Land (12-30)
- The Look Up: It’s All New (31-34)
Our Clear Choice
- Choose Life
- Choose to Love
- Choose to Obey
- Choose to Repent and Return
- Choose to Pass It On to the Next Generation
- Choose to Follow God’s Called Leaders
- Be in Worship & LifeGroups each Sunday to hear it!
- Stay on the journey to Reading God’s Word every day in 2018
- In Deuteronomy, may you hear and respond to God’s clear call about Looking Back, Within, Ahead and Up…What Does that mean to you? Also, may you listen to God’s Call in regard to your choices… What will you choose to hear and how will you obey?
- As you read through Deuteronomy (in a few months) – what do you see and learn that you didn’t know before? How does that change you?
- What do you discover new about God as you read through Deuteronomy? Why does the Lord give them the 10 commandments and other regulations yet again?
- Does it seem fair that Moses wasn’t allowed to go into the Promise Land? What does it teach us about the seriousness of sin and pride? What does it teach us about God’s sovereign plan for the people and also for us?
- How do you see God’s great love throughout the book of Deuteronomy in particular the reminders of God’s great love for His people and His desire for them to love and obey Him? Name some of those specific ways and how does it make you love God more?
- Be willing to share what you learn with others that you come in contact with – don’t just get the Word in you, but also get it out of you!!
Find specific application this week to what you have heard and experienced – Take time to look back at what God has done, what He is doing right now in your life and what He promises to do. Choose Life this week!! - Would you choose to love and obey Him more, depend upon Him and repent and return in the areas where you have failed Him!!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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