Route 66: Exodus: The Way Out & the Way In
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

EXODUS: The Way Out & the Way In”
Exodus 3:1-9
January 14, 2018
God’s Deliverance of His People:
We Can Trust Him
- His Sovereignty
- His Power & Ability
- His Faithfulness
God’s Presence with His People:
We Can Know (Intimacy) Him
- The Places
- Moses – The Burning Bush
- Cloud By Day / Pillar of Fire By Night
- Sinai (Moses)
- Moses’ Tent
- The Tabernacle
- The Pattern
- Personal
- Peaceful
- Passion
- Petition
- Powerful
God’s Praise (Glory) in His People:
We Would Know that He is Lord
- So His People Would Know
- So the Egyptians & Ultimately the Whole World
God’s Pictures for His People – The Scarlet Thread
- The Passover Lamb
- The Parting of the Red Sea
- Manna & The Water From the Rock
- The Tabernacle & It’s Design & Furnishings
- The Priest’s Garments
- Moses – A Type of Christ
- The Exodus – The Roadmap
- Be in Worship & LifeGroups each Sunday to hear it!
- Stay on the journey to Read God’s Word every day in 2018.
- As you see God speak to Moses, do you desire to have that closeness and intimacy? How does God speak to us today?
- Not only does God speak to us as we listen, God hears the cries of His people and does something about it! Where do you need God to hear you? What do you need to hear God say to your heart?
- As you read through Exodus – what do you see and learn that you didn’t know before? How does that change you?
- What do you discover new about God as you read through Exodus? His Deliverance? His Presence? His Sovereign Plan? His Praise and Glory? His Covenant?
- How do you see yourself in the story of Exodus? How can you identify with the stories or characters?
- As you look at & learn more about His pictures that was the scarlet thread pointing to the coming of the Savior -- Jesus, how does that change you and how you read Exodus?
- How do you see God’s great love throughout the book of Exodus? Name some of those specific ways. How does it make you love God more?
- As you see God’s sovereign plan begin to unfold here in Exodus and the great lengths that He went to rescue and redeem His people -- and ultimately us, what is your response? How does that change you?
- God desires to show His glory in and through your life every day. How will you live your life for the glory of God today and this week?
- As you go through this week, watch for ways to see how God is working in your everyday life. Write them down and share them with someone else.
- Carve out some extra time this week to spend in some intimate times with the Father. Take time to listen to what He says, what He wants you to learn, how you can love Him more and deeper. How you can live that out each day?
- Be willing to share what you learn with others that you come in contact with – don’t just get the Word in you, but also get it out of you!!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
Sermon Notes
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