Route 66: Ezra A Remnant and Its Renewal
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

God’s Hand Restores Chapters 1-6
- The Return
- The Restoration of Sacrifices
- The Rebuilding of the Temple
- Foundation
- Opposition
- Completion
God’s Word Reveals Chapters 7-9
- The Word Restored to the People
- The Word Exposes the Sin of the People
God’s People Repent Chapters 10
- Confession and Sorrow for Sin
- Repentance and Change
- Do you see & hear God’s call to be in the Word, to hear it preached, to listen to it taught and shard in a LifeGroup and even more in your own daily walk with the Lord? Where and How are you listening to the Word of God in your life?
- Do you hear the message once again of Repentance, Return and Renewal? What does that look like for you?
- Do you once again this week see and hear that God is in control – sovereign over all things? How does that make a difference in your everyday life? How does it affect the choices and decisions you make?
- As you read through Ezra (in a few weeks) – what do you see and learn about the Lord that you didn’t know before? How do you see the Lord at work in Ezra? How does that change how you think and then respond to the Lord?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread weaving through the book of Ezra?
- Do we see the incredible love and mercy of God allowing them to return just as He had promised? How does it make you love the Lord more when He provides you a way to return to Him? What does it mean in Romans when it says that it is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance?
- Do you love Him more because you know that you can trust Him? Remember, He promises to guide and direct every step that you take if you put your trust in Him?
- Be in the Word – if you have stopped reading it daily, get back to reading it this week. Jump on board with us in Week 13 in the book of Judges and listen for what the Lord has to say to you and then live it out this week!
- We will never get to a place where we cannot fall, stray or depart from His Word and dependence on Him… Where do you need to confess and repent of sin in your life? Name those sins and confess, repent, and change today!
- Where are you facing opposition in your life for following the
Lord? Stay the course and know that the Lord will prevail!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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