Route 66 Hebrews Consider Jesus
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible
I. Jesus is Better - Hebrews 1:1-4
A. Jesus is Better Than Angels (1:5-2:18)
1st Warning - Ignoring What God Has Done in Christ -
Chapter 2:1-4
B. Jesus is Better Than Moses and Joshua (3:1-4:13)
2nd Warning - Not Believing God - Hebrews 3:12
II. Jesus’ Priesthood is Better (4:14-7:28)
3rd Warning - Ceasing to Grow
A. Jesus’ Priesthood is Better than Melchizedek’s and
therefore greater than Aaron’s
III. Jesus’ Covenant is Better (8:1-10:39)
A. Old Covenant is ineffective and Obsolete
B. New Covenant is Effective
IV. Life with Jesus is Better (10:19-12:29)
A. Life with Jesus means Boldness before the throne -
4th Warning - Not Persevering in Holiness - 10:26-31
5th Warning - Losing Faith - 10:35-39
B. Life with Jesus is a life of Faith 11:1-40
C. Life With Jesus is better because even Suffering serves a
purpose - Discipline- 12:1-2
6th Warning - Rejecting Discipline - 12:4-13
7th Warning - Refusing This Warning - 12:25-29
D. Life with Jesus is better because it’s a life of Love -

Chris Robbins
Associate Pastor
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