Route 66 Isaiah: Turn and Trust in the Lord
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible
The Problem: Trusting in the Wrong Things 1:2-4
- Trusting Other Kings 31:1, 3
- Trusting Other gods 2:6,8; 8:19; 28:14-15
- Trusting Themselves 22:8-11; 29:10-16
- Trusting Their Own Unfaithful Leaders 3:1-3,14
Whom Shall We Trust?
The Solution: Trusting God 40:18-25, 28; 6:1-4
- Trusting God’s Coming Judgment 24:1-3
- Trusting God’s Coming Deliverance & Salvation 36:18-20; 37:21-22; 37:36-38
Whom Shall We Trust?
The Solution Sharpened: Hoping & Trusting in Christ
- Hoping in a Coming Messiah-King 32:1; 9:6-7; 11:1-5
- Hoping in a Coming Servant 42:1-4; 49:1-7; 50:4-10a; 53:11
- Hoping in Jesus as the One 61:1-2; Luke 4:14-21
In Whom Shall We Hope?
In the End: Turn and Trust in the Lord
56:8; 63:16; 66:2b; 55:1-3.6-11
- How do hear the message that we often trust in the wrong things? What are some of the things that you trust in other than the Lord? What does that cause in your life?
- Do you see and hear God’s call to love His Word, to read and study His word, to meditate on His Word, to follow His Word? How will you do that this week? In a LifeGroup and even more in your own daily walk with the Lord? Where and how are you listening to the Word of God in your life?
- Do you hear God’s call to trust completely in Him alone for salvation and have you done that? Do it today!
- Do you hear God’s call that challenges us to put our trust in Him daily? Where do you need to trust Him specifically?
- How do you see the Lord at work in Isaiah? How does that change how you think & then respond to the Lord?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread weaving through the book of Isaiah?
- What do you learn about God and His role in history then & now? How does that help you trust Him more?
- Where do you see God’s love in the book of Isaiah even as He brings His judgment on His people and even other nations? How do you love Him more than He loves us? He loves us completely and unconditionally, so much that He will bring His discipline in our lives to bring us back to Him.
- As you see God’s telling of the coming Messiah and how much He would suffer for us, how much more do you love Him and put your trust in Him?
- Turn to the Word & Turn others to the Word – if you have stopped reading it daily, jump on board with us in Week 21 & LISTEN for what the Lord has to say to you, LEARN more about Him, fall deeper in LOVE with Him, and then LIVE it out this week, & share it with someone in your circle of influence.
- Write down an area where you need to completely trust the Lord. Write down an area you need to repent of in your life.
- How do you need the hope of God in your life today? Write it down and ask Him to bring you that hope.
Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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