Route 66 Judges A Spiritual Vacuum
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

Good Leadership is Crucial
The People Respond to God’s Blessing with Sin
- God Blesses
- God Warns
- But the People Sin
God’s People Respond to Discipline with Repentance
- God Disciplines
- The People Repent
God Temporarily Delivers the People Through
Imperfect Judges
- God Delivers Through Imperfect Judges
- God Delivers Temporarily
The People Need What God Would Ultimately Give –
A Perfect Savior
- The People Need a Savior
- God Will Give Them A Savior
- Be in Worship & LifeGroups every Sunday & Stay on the journey to Reading God’s Word every day in 2018
- In Judges
- As you read through Judges (in a few months) – what do you see and learn that you didn’t know before? How does that change how you think and respond to the Lord?
- What do you discover new about God as you read through Judges and how He works?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread weaving through the book of Judges?
- How do you see God’s great love throughout the book of Joshua in particular the reminders of God’s promises and that He kept each and every one?
- How about God’s perseverance and patience with us? Name some of those specific ways and how does it make you love God more?
- Today,
- Where are you in that cycle that we talked about this morning? Make the appropriate changes if to be in God’s Blessings. Remember, partial obedience = disobedience.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
Sermon Notes
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