Route 66: Leviticus -- Getting the Egypt Out of Us
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

The Key Theme: Holiness
Leviticus 11:44-46; 19:2; 20:7 & 1 Peter 1:13-16
What’s the Big Deal About Holiness?
The Lord is not nearly as concerned with our happiness
as He is our holiness!
To Be Holy is to be Like Jesus
God’s Clear Call to Be Holy
- A Holy God
- A Holy Priesthood
- A Holy People
- A Holy Land
- A Holy Savior
What Keeps Us From Being Holy?
Our Sin
- It Separates Us From God
- It Causes Death
- It Requires a Sacrifice
How Can We Be Holy?
- The Jews Then - Sacrifice & Offerings, Laws
The Day of Atonement – Yom Kippur
- Christians Today – Christ’s Sacrifice & Offering Up Himself & His Grace
- Be in Worship & LifeGroups each Sunday to hear it!
- Stay on the journey to Reading God’s Word every day in 2018
- As you
- Not
- As you read through Leviticus – what do you see and learn that you didn’t know before? How does that change you?
- What do you discover new about God as you read through Leviticus?
- How do you see yourself in the story of Exodus? How can you identify with the stories or characters?
- As you look at t& learn more about he pictures that was that scarlet thread pointing to the coming of the Savior, Jesus, how does that change you and how you read Exodus.
- How do you see God’s great love throughout the book of Leviticus? Name some of those specific ways and how does it make you love God more?
- As
- God
- Find specific application this week to what you have heard and experienced – spend time developing that intimacy with your Heavenly Father – He is waiting. Where is it in your life that you need to confess and repent and find atonement for your sin? Where is it in your life that you need God’s Holiness? How are you living that distinct and different life every day?
- Be willing to share what you learn with others that you come in contact with – don’t just get the Word in you, but also get it out of you!!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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