Route 66 Luke The Son of Man and Messiah
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

Luke Chronicled the Story of Jesus Luke 1:1-4
Jesus Came Luke 1:5-4:13
- Jesus Completes the Prophecies
- Jesus Comes as a Child
- Jesus Constrained Himself
- Jesus’ Coming Was Celebrated
Jesus Came to Seek Luke 9-19
- Jesus Claimed to Be the Messiah by Connecting the Old
Testament to Himself
- Jesus Called & Chose His Disciples
- Jesus Had Compassion
- Jesus Championed the Marginalized
- Jesus Changed Peoples' Lives
- Jesus Challenged/Confronted the Religious Leaders of the Day
- Jesus Clarified What It Meant to Follow Him
- Jesus Celebrated Finding the Lost
Jesus Came to Save that Which Was Lost Ch. 20-24
- Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- Jesus’ Crucifixion Cancels Sin's Debt
- Jesus Conquered Death, Hell and the Grave
- Jesus Completed the Work He Came to Do
- Jesus Connected the Dots
- Jesus Commissions Them to Go to the Lost
Luke Completes the Story in the Book of Acts
Listen to the Spirit’s Voice Today
Learn Something New About Jesus and Yourself
Love the Lord More Because of What You’ve Heard and Learned
Live Out the Truths That Apply to You Today

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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