Route 66 Malachi The Problem and the Proof
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible
They Doubted God’s Love 1:2-5
- He Loves Us
- He is Sovereign Over All
They Dishonored God’s Name 1:6-2:9
- We Are Called to Give Our Best
- We Are Called to Lead with Integrity
They Despised God’s Covenant 2:10-16
- They Married Foreign Women
- They Divorced Their Wives
They Doubted God’s Justice 2:17-3:6
- His Messenger Will Refine Us
- We Must Treat our Neighbors With Justice & Compassion
They Disobeyed God’s Word 3:7-12
- They Were Robbing God
- They Were Robbing Themselves
- They Were Robbing Others
They Despised God’s Service 3:13-4:6
- Some Complained
- Some Believed
- Every Evildoer Will Be Punished
- Do you hear the message that God takes seriously how we worship Him in every area of your life? Where do you need to make adjustments in your worship of the Lord?
- Do you also see and hear that God desires our best and not our 2nd best? Where are you giving God your best and where do you need to make adjustments?
- Do you hear the truth that God desires to bless you and dares you to take Him at His Word in regards to giving? Are you giving faithfully and regularly? If not, will you start today?
- Do you see and hear God’s call to love His Word, to read and study His word, to meditate on His Word, to follow His Word? How will you do that this week? In a LifeGroup and even more in your own daily walk with the Lord?
- Do you hear & understand the clear word that we are to act justly and compassionately towards our neighbors? How are you doing that? What adjustments do you need to make?
- How do you see the Lord at work in Malachi? How does that change how you think & then respond to the Lord?
- Where do you see the scarlet thread in the book of Malachi?
- What do you learn about God & His role in history during the time of Malachi & even now? How does that give you hope?
- Where do you see God’s love and faithfulness to His people in Malachi? Where do you see it in your own life? Even though they doubted it, God laid it out clearly – I have loved you! Those same words are for us today!!
- When you see God’s promises that we know have been fulfilled and still some that will be fulfilled, how does that make you love and trust God more?
- Where do you need the Lord to work in you? Your marriage? Your giving? Your fearing and walking with the Lord? Caring about others and serving others with mercy and compassion?
- Turn to the Word & Turn others to the Word - LISTEN for what the Lord has to say to you, LEARN more about Him & His Word, fall deeper in LOVE with Him, and then LIVE it out this week, & share it with someone in your circle of influence.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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