Route 66 Romans Righteousness, Faith and Grace
Series: Route 66 Journey Through the Bible

How Paul States It (The Purpose) Romans 1:16-17
It is the Gospel – the Righteousness of God Revealed
How God Sees Us Romans 1–3:20
~ We are all sinners – both Jew and Gentile alike Romans 2:11-12; 3:9-12
~ Nothing we can do will justify us
~ No one is without excuse Romans 1:18-20; 2:1-2
How God Saves Us Romans 3:21–5
He saves us on the basis of what He does, not on the basis of what we do
~ He saves us freely – It is a gift & by His grace Romans 3:23-26; 6:23
~ Only Jesus can save us and it’s by faith in Jesus alone Romans 5:6-8
~ Everyone can be saved through faith Romans 4:16-24
How God Sanctifies Us Romans 6-8
~ A saving faith results in a changed life Romans 6:1-11
~ We will still struggle with sin but we are not condemned Romans 7:14 – 8:1
~ He is transforming us into the image of His Son Romans 8:29-30
~ Nothing can separate us from God’s love Romans 8:31-39
How God Faithfully Speaks to Israel Romans 9-11
~ God was faithful in the past
~ God was faithful in the present
~ God will be faithful in the future
God doesn’t love you because of who you are but because of who He is
How God Calls Us to Live Romans 12-16
~ Be transformed by Him and not conformed to this world Romans 12:1-2
~ Be subject to authority and to each othe Romans 13:1-3; 12:9-20
~ Be willing to sacrifice for one another Romans 14:13; 15:1-6

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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