Share: One Great Savior
Series: SHARE

What God Did - But God… Vs 5-6
One of the most important times the word but is used and it is because of what follows behind. This is the great news. It is not what you and I did, it is all about what God did! What did He do for us and remember the first 3 verses of where we were or where you might still be today.
- Made Us Alive in Him We see what Jesus Christ did on that cross and because of that He can make me alive to Him – no longer dead, no longer chasing after the things of the world – but alive! SONG: Amazing Love – the verse “I’m forgiven because you were forsaken, I’m accepted you were condemned, “I am alive and well your spirit lives within me because you died and rose again” Romans 6:4 Sin’s debt – cancelled, sin’s penalty – paid, death’s hold – broken. Though once dead – I can now be alive. Are you alive this morning? If not you can be. You have to ABC.
- Raised Us Up with Him He goes even further and we don’t have enough time to dive deep enough so we will skim the surface here. He raises up with Him. We are thus able to share in his glory both in the ages to come but even now. We were once dead and now raised to walk in that newness of life. Colossians 2:12
- Seated Us with Him He goes even beyond that and seats us with Him at the Father’s right hand. We are longer living in this present word but instead in the heavenly places – our citizenship has changed. Philippians 3:20 – there is a place awaiting those who have trusted in Him as Savior and Lord. Notice the tense here of these verbs aorist tense – it has already happened. It is a guaranteed promise! Look at what God did through His Son Jesus!
Why God Did It Vs 4,7
- Because He is Rich in Mercy Perhaps the greatest question of all time – why did God do it? Look at me, at you, at this world – why would He do it. Only one reason is sufficient. Because He is rich in mercy! Now we know that He is rich in mercy – it never runs out – And it is simply who he is! – but look at the object of that mercy – towards us. Remember we were once objects of His wrath but not we become objects of His mercy. His heart is to give us what we need and not what we deserve!
- Because of His Great Love - Even though were dead in our sins. He pours our His love on that cross of Calvary which we are going to talk about in great detail over the next 6 Sunday nights leading up to Easter and I invite you to join us as we experience Easter and His incredible love and mercy that He has poured out on us. Chorus of that same song “Amazing Love how can it be that you my King would die for me, amazing love I know it’s true now it’s my joy to honor you in all I do I honor you – You are my King”
- Because of His Great Grace & His Kindness Vs 7
Once again we are the object of the surpassing riches of His grade in kindness in Christ Jesus. God pours that out – moves it towards out – throws it at us – all of it – we receive it! The timeframe here is for all eternity which certainly begins here but we only can understand a fraction of it – but for all eternity He will pour out that kindness towards us His children – we never stop receiving that grace and kindness. No isn’t that great news?! Why does He do this – because it glorifies Him.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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