Social Media, Techology & Balance
Series: Elephants: Big Topics We Tend to Avoid
The Reality
ü Digital and social media are rapidly changing our culture and world for both adults, teenagers, and now even preteens
ü For this first time in 2019, the average time spent on digital media (3:43) surpassed time spent on the TV (3:35)
ü Children and students spend an average of 5 or more hours every day one some type of electronic device including computers.
ü The average amount of daily time spent on social media is 2:22 with the highest rate among people age 16-24 spending an average of 3:02 per day
ü 81% of adults report going online at least once a day with 30% saying they are online almost constantly. 48% of those age 18-29 are online almost constantly throughout the day. 92% of teenagers report going online at least once more day and 24% say that they are online almost constantly.
ü 70% of teenagers report using social media multiple times per day and 16% say it’s almost constantly.
ü 70% of adults have Facebook and 74% report checking it daily.
ü In a Barna survey, 48% report there preteens have a smart phone and 88% of teenagers have a smart phone. (that’s a 41% increase from 2012)
ü 76% of teens age 13-17 use Instagram with 75% using Snapchat followed by 66% using Facebook (though many just have an account and don't use it regularly)
ü 57% of teenagers agree that using social media distracts from doing homework.
ü Most teens text with regularity but 40% report using another social media app for messaging like Kik, What’s App, and Line. The average teenager sends over 60 texts per day.
ü 82% of teens, 72% of preteens and 70% of parents confess to sleeping with their phones next to them at night.
ü 62% of adults said they checked their phone within the first hour of getting up in the morning.
ü 78% of parents believe raising kids is more complicated than it was than when they were kids and 65% report (#1 reason) that technology & social media is the reason why.
Our Responsibility
ü Recognize the Truth: Vs 15
We have to be careful how we walk
How: Walk wisely, not unwisely
ü Redeem the Time: Vs 16
Make the most of every moment/ seize your opportunities
Why: the days are evil – size up your opposition
ü Resolve to Track (Know) Vs 17
To know & follow God’s will
What: Don’t be foolish – understand what the will of the Lord is
ü Release Your Control Vs 18
Who: Be full of the Spirit & not full of wine (drunkenness)
Our Resources & Responsibility
ü Recognize the good and the bad that technology & social media can bring
ü Remember that this phone can be a weapon & a danger in a person’s hands (porn, bullying, threats, suicide, false information, etc.)
ü Recognize the amount of time that you spend on it
ü Reduce the amount of time you spend on technology & social media - Consider taking a fast – one day a week or a week or even a month
ü Reorder your priorities – Replace it with something else
ü Refuse to cave to cultural and peer pressure -don’t Resign & Resist the Temptation
ü Resolve to have a family plan (when, how long, etc, what kinds, timeline)
ü Realize there are apps, internet accountability, filters, etc that can you help supervise their use and not have surveillance
ü Remind your students regularly about the responsibility that comes with technology and social media and the impact it can have on their life: Reputation – will be with you for the rest of your life
ü Represent (model) what it means to use technology in a healthy way - teach them balance (with accountability)
ü Renew your walk with the Lord
Helpful Resources:
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in It’s Place By Andy Crouch Baker Books
Every Parent’s Guide to Navigating Our Digital World By Kara Powell, Art Bamford, & Brad M. Griffin Fuller Youth Institute

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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