Supernatural ChurchBirth - Part 1
Series: The Acts Mission Control
A huge pivotal point here, the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Promised in the Old Testament even to the last prophet, John the Baptist of
the coming of the Holy Spirit. Their disciples were waiting, praying together, electing a new disciple, but yet surely the disciples missed Jesus, and perhaps they were wondering,
how would they be His witnesses.? Yes they believed the promise of the
coming of the Holy Spirit, but Jesus was no longer with them. There had
to be a certain sense of emptiness which is not a bad thing really – in fact
when we are empty then we are at a place where we can be filled.
We get to see behind the curtain if you will of the Supernatural birthing of
the 1st Church. We see Mission Control and how the behind the scenes
prayer and filling of the leadership had prepared them for what was next –
the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them which would truly change the
world forever!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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