The 6 Marks Living Desperately
Series: The 6 Marks of Hitting the Mission

This is our Target – It is the When – when are we successful and hit the target (our mission) we believe that is set before us. This is personal and are questions that we want every person who is a part of our church asking on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis of themselves and of each other.
How Am I Living…
- Authentically?
- Biblically?
- Connectedly?
- Desperately?
- Evangelistically?
- Faithfully?
How Am I Living Desperately?
Psalm 63:1-8; 42:1-2a; John 15:1-11 Acts 4:23-31; Exodus 33:15; Hebrews 4:16; Jeremiah 33:3
- Abiding and connecting to Jesus so they can live this Christian life.
- One who is desperately seeking the Lord in their daily life
- Living with a daily sense that if I don’t depend on Christ, I can’t make it through and can’t accomplish the things He is calling me to do. Understand it’s not our independence that the Lord desires but our dependence upon Him.
- Has a deep and growing prayer life
- One who understands that we are desperate for the Lord to transform us and desperate for His favor to rest on our lives.
- Not content to stay in the safe places of life, but willing to get out of their comfort zones and on the edge of following God’s purpose and plan.
___________ 1 5 10
In Control Out of Control
Independent Deeply Dependent
Safe Zone On the Edge
Desperately Seeking…
- Desperate for the Presence of God
- Desperate for the Preference (Favor) of God
- Desperate for the Power of God
- Desperate for the Purpose/Plan of God
- Desperate for the Priorities of God
- Desperate to Please God
- Desperate for the Promises of God
- Desperate for the Peace of God
The Evidence of Desperation
- There is a Plea to God
- There is Plug In – Abide
- There is a Pursuit of God – A Panting
- There is Proof – It’s in the Progress
- There is Power
- There is Purpose
- There is Prayer – Petition

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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