The Foundation of the Family Forged by God
Series: Our Imperfect Family
Marriage & the Family is God’s Invention
- He created mankind
- He created male and female
- He created marriage and sex
Essentials to Marriage Matthew 19:4-6
- Complementary
- Severance
- Permanence
- Unity
- Intimacy
Intimacy Lost Between Themselves & God Genesis 3:1-3
- Self-Consciousness
- Isolation
- Fear
- Deception
- Blame Shifting
Recovering Intimacy Genesis 3:14-15
- Redemption has been provided
- Confess & repent your sin
- Return to the Lord with your whole heart
- Renew your dependence on the Lord
- Remember the vows & covenant you made
What’s the Point of Marriage? Ephesians 5:31-32
- An Object Lesson for Us About the Covenant, Faithful
- Love of God
- To Bring Honor and Glory to Jesus
- For our delight and joy

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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