The Map to the Mission
“The Map to the Mission”
Col.1:24-29; Eph. 4:7,11-13
September 10, 2017
- A Call to Connect Deeply
Connect Yourself and Others to Christ and the Church
- A Call To Grow Deeper
Grow in a Deepening Relationship With Christ
- A Call to Commit Sacrificially
Commit Your Time and Resources to Serve Christ and Others
- A Call to Go & Multiply Rapidly
Go – Share the Love of Christ With Everyone Everywhere
One Defining Word – Transformation
Complete, Perfect, Mature, “…measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.” Eph. 4:13 NLT
What Does That Look Like?
People who hear, understand, and begin to walk this transformation journey and then help others walk the same journey in a Church Family…
- A Church Family Identifies You as A Genuine
Follower of Christ You Choose to Settle In (Belong)
- A Church Family Moves You Out of Self-Centered
Isolation You Choose to Share.
- A Church Family Reminds Us of Our Need for Each
Other You Choose to Sacrifice
- A Church Family Helps You Develop Your Spiritual
Muscles You Choose to Strengthen (Grow)
- A Church Family Will Help You Keep From
Backsliding You Choose to Show (Love)
- A Church Family Gives You the Opportunity to Serve
Others You Choose to Serve Others
- A Church Family Gives You the Opportunity to
Share in Christ’s Mission in This World
You Choose to Seize (the Moments)
A Clear Call to Connect Deeply
Our Membership & Worship
A Compelling Call To Grow Deeper
Our LifeGroups & Age Group Ministries
A Crucial Call to Commit Sacrificially
Our Ministries & Our Ministry Plan
A Critical Call to Go & Multiply Rapidly
Our Missions
Where are you on the journey?
- How & Where are you Connected?
- How & Where are you Growing?
- How & Where are you Committing? (Serving/Giving)
- How & Where are you Going?
What will it take to get you to the next step in the journey? What is that step?
Who can you take around this transformation journey?
- How many people in our Church are in each area?
- How many are moving to the next step?
- How many are taking others through the journey?

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
Sermon Notes
You can add your own personal sermon notes along the way. When you're finished, you'll be able to email or download your notes.