The Path God Will Direct, Part 2
Series: Lord Use Me
Trusting in who He is – we trust His unchanging character and ways! Trust the Lord is not some giant leap into the dark but into the light. We don’t jump into what we don’t know – we jump into the arms of the One that know who loves us and will never let us go! Our challenge is not to trust Him in some things but in all things, and not just with part of our heart, but with all our heart! It’s where we bring the head and the heart together – we believe the commands, we obey because we know them but here it puts them together – we obey
because we trust and love Him completely! “When the mind is engaged in an issues the motive is ‘I ought to’; when the will is engaged in an iusse the motive is ‘I have to’; but when the heart is engaged in an issue the motive is ‘I want to’.

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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