The Struggle for the Soul & Our Success
Series: Living Pure in an Impure World
93% of males will have viewed pornography before the age of 18 and 62% of females.
The average age of exposure is 11 and some studies suggest even as young as 9. 20% of 16 year olds & 30% of 17 year olds have received a "sext" 71% of teens hide their online behavior from their parents. 51% of pastors say Internet Pornography is a possible temptation and some say that 50% have viewed pornography. 64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women view pornography once a month. The porn industry is a $10 billion a year industry according to an ABC World News Report and some studies say it is as high as $13 billion a year. To put that into perspective, that is more than the NFL, NAB, and MLB combined for a year! That’s more than ABC, NBC, & CBS put together. Take a listen and read the notes from this sermon... the statistics don't stop here. Learn what God's word says about sexual immorality, as well as ways you can experience the deliverance and freedom of Jesus Christ!!

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
Sermon Notes
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