Worth It God Owns It All
Series: Worth It!
5 Marks of a Church Walking in Financial Peace
- Trusts God completely = Contentment
- Saves money consistently
- Recognizes God’s ownership
- Embraces its God-given mission
- Commits to lifelong generosity
God Is the Owner of EVERYTHING
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24:1 (NIV)
“For all the animals of the forest are mine, & I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird on the mountains, & all the animals of the field are mine.” Psalm 50:10-11 (NLT)
Deuteronomy 8:10-18
- We should thank God first for what HE has done
- Success can blind us to God’s provision and give us a false sense of self-sufficiency
- Pride creeps into our hearts & we forget God
James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:6
We are the Steward/Manager
Matthew 25:14-30
- The Master – The Lord
- The 3 Servants – You and Me
- The Servant’s Responsibility:
Invest Wisely What Has Been Given to You / Be Faithful
- The Results – 2 Different Outcomes
- The Response of the Master – Reward & Rejection
We’re made to be generous, joyful givers
2 Corinthians 9:7

Brad Eubank
Senior Pastor
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