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Thankful For..."My Success & Sorrows"

As we continue our Thankful Series, let's turn back to last week when we talked about our decision to be thankful--this concept sets up this entire series: The 1 Important Perspective that we must have: Giving Thanks. Ephesians 5:20 tells us “giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (NRSV) In this verse are 2 Important Phrases: At All Times/For Everything. Who is this directed at? 1 Important Person: The Focus of our thankfulness - God the Father...

Thankful For..."My Savior & His Sacrifice"

People ask me, "How do we know that Jesus really loves us? I don’t understand, I cannot feel that love." Have you realized the incredible fact that Jesus Christ, the God of this Universe, died for you? He loved you so much that He would rather die than live without you? He was willing to go to any length. In order to understand how much Jesus loves us, we need to let in this truth: the awesome, gruesome, loving sacrifice of Jesus’ death. I don’t have too many people who would give their life for me, how about you?

Thankful For..."My Support"

This morning we turn our hearts towards the third thing for which we are thankful: Our Support. Outside of Christ, our greatest and most important spiritual support is Our Church Family. Our support includes our LifeGroups, our Church Family, other Churches in our area and even other believers and Christ Followers around the nation and the world...

We now turn to the 2nd thing that we are called to be thankful for – Our Season to Share. Now let me be clear, though this is a time that we really focus on sharing and giving to others, my desire is that we will look far beyond just this month and next. No doubt these are some very important opportunities to share, but we must understand that it is always our season to share with others from what the Lord has richly blessed us with.

Thankful For..."My Story"

It’s that time of year, Fall is here, Halloween – thank goodness!! – is over and we are waiting for Christmas to come. Sometimes this season of Thanksgiving can be overlooked or simply relegated to one day a year. Yet the call is clear in Scripture that we are to give thanks all the time and for everything. Look at what Ephesians 5:20 tells us: “giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (NRSV)...

Welcome to all of our Guests today. For the past seven weeks we’ve looked at seven different dimensions of our lives. And the Lord’s desire to transform us in every way in these dimensions. He is not interested in seeing us change in one area only, but in every area beginning with the spiritual area of our lives. Some think that is the only area that they need Him, but what we must realize is this: the spiritual dimension is simply the STARTING PLACE that should affect every area in our lives. Too many of us live compartmentalized lives and think that one area does not or should not have an impact on the other. But that thinking is never what the Lord intended. He wants to be in EVERY area of our lives.

Your ability to dream is a God given gift. It’s what makes you different from animals. Animals cannot imagine the future. God gave you as a human being, made in his image, the ability to see the past. That’s called memory. And to visualize or imagine the future. That’s called dreaming. You've got to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream for your life you’re literally just drifting. You’re just drifting along. You’re letting life happen to you. And by the way when you’re coasting you’re always going downhill. So you need a dream for your life. It is the greatest gift God has given you – the ability to dream. We are most like our Creator when we are creative...

It may surprise you that Jesus actually talked more about money than he did about heaven or hell. In fact, half of all of the parables that Jesus told are about money. Half of them. In fact, in the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke one out of every six verses is about money. And money management. Why? Because money can dominate our lives and money influences our lives either good or bad. It can be used for great things. It can be used for bad things. We spend so much of our time thinking about it, working for it, earning it, studying it, saving it and investing it. If you don’t learn to manage your money, it will manage you...

This week I want us to look at relational health: transforming your relationships. I want us to look at diffusing the fears that ruin relationships. To do that we’re going to go all the way back to the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, and look at the first couple, Adam and Eve, because that’s where all the problems started. Thank you Adam and thank you Eve! You know the story: God created the entire universe because he wanted to create earth because he wanted to create a sustaining environment for human beings because God wanted a family. If God hadn’t wanted a family he wouldn’t have created the universe. But he made it all because he wants you to be in his family.

Last week we talked about how to manage our mind and our thoughts. This week I want us to look at what the Bible says about how to manage our emotions: how to deal with how you feel. In Mark 12:29-30 Jesus says this “The most important commandment is this, You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength.”...

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