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A distinctive and theological Baptist doctrine that most Protestant denominations share is the priesthood of every believer. It was lost in the Dark Ages but Martin Luther recovered it as part of the Reformation…

What is our identity? What makes us distinctive, different as Southern Baptists? Two weeks ago we learned the first letter of BAPTIST was the B: the Bible is our sole authority above anything else! We will read this morning that the clear foundation and head of the Church Universal (including all Christian Churches) and our Church as well is Jesus Christ...not me or any other Church leader...

Kid Extreme Family Day Message

We had a Secret Agent theme this week at Kid Extreme. Today we will look at the three Ds that our kids learned about all week: Discover, Decide, Defend.

You are either a believer or not, a child of God or not, there is no middle ground. A Christ Follower or not! Our identity is wrapped up in the cross and the Word of God. Once you have encountered the cross and the Word of God and that impacts you and changes you. You are never the same and now have a new identity in Christ. That is first and foremost. It’s not about where you go to church, if your parents or grandparents went, or you used to be a member, you must know, love, serve Jesus and have been transformed by the His power...

At this point, we are thinking, “Chapter 4 will be great! The party that must be happening, Jonah must be thrilled. He probably had to go home and tell everybody. And before left, he probably rejoiced with the people of Nineveh!” Not a chance. Jonah witnesses an incredible miracle: an entire city turning to God, and Jonah is upset, angry and walks out of the city. We will find he was just like the prodigal son’s older brother!

We are now talking about a different Jonah than the one in Chapter 1. No longer rebellious, no longer running from God and His plan for Jonah but now ready and poised to do what God was calling him to do. Jonah was humbled, and he had been lovingly disciplined by God and God was not through with him yet. You may think you have blown it, been disobedient, and that God couldn’t possibly use you again, but as we will see in the life of Jonah: God is never through with a person who is repentant and ready to walk with Him again.

Now this morning we come to a critical question: do we continue in our rebellion and disobedience? If we are honest, many of us are just like rebellious children. We do for God what we want, when we want, how we want, and if it doesn’t fit our agenda or how we feel, then we find some way to rationalize not doing it. It is outright rebellion and disobedience. Will we repent, change, and walk the other direction or we will continue in our rebellion and disobedience, thumbing our nose at God? The choice is ours…

The people of Nineveh were horribly wicked and God’s judgment was coming on them for their sin! This is not some allegory or parable to just illustrate a truth. This is a real story about a real man and most importantly about the work of Almighty God, in all things, through His creation...

Today we finish the incredible series that we started back in March. It led us on an exciting journey to meet lots of different people who encountered Christ. We saw how their lives were forever changed. They did a literal 180° turn and were never the same again. And by the way, shouldn’t that be the theme of our lives – our own 180° experience and helping others to have that same 180° experience in their lives?

The event we are looking at today plays out with the backdrop of Jesus' resurrection that morning. Two of Jesus followers are headed out of Jerusalem leaving behind all their hopes and dreams: a dead Messiah who some said was alive but they simply couldn’t put their minds around it. We can all relate to these guys...
