Has there ever been a moment in your life where you realized the bad news…that without a personal relationship with Christ you are doomed, lost, and hopeless? Has there been a moment..............
Is there anybody here this morning that is forgetful? I have the cure! How often we forget, we make a list to go the grocery store, put post it notes everywhere, calendars, palm pilots, phones, Ipads, computers, things that send reminders, etc. We don’t mean to forget, we get unfocused, distracted, move on to something else bigger and better, we just don’t care, grow apathetic. We learn something and forget it (things from school days). We make a list of commitments. We make a promise to the Lord, learn something about Him......
A ROCK SOLID FOUNDATION BUILT BY… Loving Together. Let them see in your marriage relationship love, let them see your affection! It brings them security, they know things are ok between mom and dad. Love them with their love language: Touch, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of service........
We must be committed to instill godly traits in our children, instill confidence, conviction, character, compassion, competence, and love for the Church, Both parents must be committed to take a stand for the family. The Church must be committed to take a stand for future generations. It requires a family with.....
Homeland Security, a brand new department created after 9/11. To make the connection we need, more than ever, to ensure that the most important homeland is secured permanently!! There are holes in the wall, enemies lurking about that are intent on destroying your family and mine. We will spend these next 3 Sunday mornings looking at how we can protect and provide for our homes to make them the godly homes He wants them to be.
As we continue through our series here that focuses in on the family, children the same requirements apply for you too – we must be filled up with the Holy Spirit and submit to one another. This is Christ’s call on your life and we will see this morning how that fleshes out. Parents, this is what you should expect from your children and require from them and this...
So this morning we come to talk to ladies. Now men don’t zone out here. This is how you can help her, pray for her, and encourage her. Ladies, I am not a lady obviously, so I am no expert; so I am relying heavily on the Lord this morning (as I should every time!), to share truth from God’s Word and principles from His Word and from the perspective as a man.
We have different roles to play in the family as God designed it. Roles that are distinct and different and yet just as important as the other one. The man is called to be thermostat in the home, which determines and regulates the temperature in the home. The incredible challenge and opportunity that God has given to every man. We are called to lead our homes as God...
Can you remember back to the day of your wedding? For some of you that is easier than others, and hopefully your wedding wasn’t like that! It was a special day, a day you will never forget, a day of passion, of romance, of worship, of sharing, of wonderful memories. Yet how quickly all of that fades into the sunset as the couple walks, rides, or drives off into it. Something quickly changes. So this morning, we want to talk a look at this idea of a love that can last a lifetime.
THE GODLY MAN IS SUCCESSFUL - Why? Because he is blessed. The word blessed is the Hebrew Word ashreey meaning oh how happy, blissful. We see the same word used in Matthew 5 it is from the Greek Word, Makarios, means happy, fortunate, blissful, joyful over the top happiness. Blessed used to refer to God Describes that joy which has its secret within itself, that joy which is serene and untouchable, and self contained, that joy which is completely independent of all the chances and changes in life. This is the kind of happiness God desires for His children, a state of joy and well-being that does not depend on physical or temporary.....