Livestream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm!Click here to watch!

Great news today – it’s the greatest news… you don’t have to perish, you can have eternal life! You can make that decision today, there could be no greater Christmas Gift than this!! Receive that gift of salvation TODAY! Remember it is as simple as ABC! Admit to God you are a sinner, Ask for His forgiveness, Believe Jesus is God’s Son, Confess Him as...............

What Do We Have to Believe? In Something we cannot see or hear or touch; in Something we can see and hear, feel and touch; that Jesus is who He said He was, and that He did what He said He would do, and that He will do what He promised to do; in Jesus alone, that.......

Invitations come in all shapes and sizes now, from weddings to birthday parties, to anniversaries, to showers and everything in between. Old fashioned, to the newest thing, fancy writing you can hardly read to plain a plain old font. Really that is not the most important part is it? What you and I are being invited to is the most important part. This morning, I want us to stop.....

His One and Only Son… The Greatest Gift. For God - Who God is, and what that means for me, who I am, Who I can Be, What I can Have, The Greatest God So Loved… God defines loves, He is love personified. The Greatest Lover Who is His Love poured out on? …The World… The greatest number!! That He gave… How Did God Give? He gave… To Establish, Extravagantly, Everything, Eagerly, Eternally, Exactly what we needed, As Evidence, As an Example. My Response is to Give What Can I Give to Him? My Heart & My Life My Time, Talents, & Treasure & My Testimony.

Gave: to provide, bestow, grant, yield Isaiah 9:6, Romans 8:32 What Did God Give & Why Did God Give?  Because God chose to love, He chose to give – His only Son. Because He loved us perfectly and completely. How Did God Give? He gave…to establish (initiate a love relationship with me).....

For God - Who God is, and what they means for me, who I am, Who I can Be, What I can Have, So Loved… God defines loves, He is love personified. Who is His Love poured out on? …The World… The greatest number!!

Last Sunday we talked about “For God…” Who God is… Because God Is I am…Because God is I Can Be…Because God is I Can Have. We turn to the next words. “…So Loved…” Love = Agape A God Love. The NLT says, For God so loved this world this much or so much. Even here the word love was not enough, it had to be described, it was a great love, huge, awesome, a love that......

Has there ever been a moment in your life where you realized the bad news…that without a personal relationship with Christ you are doomed, lost, and hopeless? Has there been a moment..............

Is there anybody here this morning that is forgetful? I have the cure! How often we forget, we make a list to go the grocery store, put post it notes everywhere, calendars, palm pilots, phones, Ipads, computers, things that send reminders, etc. We don’t mean to forget, we get unfocused, distracted, move on to something else bigger and better, we just don’t care, grow apathetic. We learn something and forget it (things from school days). We make a list of commitments. We make a promise to the Lord, learn something about Him......

A ROCK SOLID FOUNDATION BUILT BY… Loving Together. Let them see in your marriage relationship love, let them see your affection! It brings them security, they know things are ok between mom and dad. Love them with their love language: Touch, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of service........
