Livestream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm!Click here to watch!

We are in a series talking about the early church and its beginnings and what that means for us today. In this section we are talking about the Mission Control – talking a look behind the scenes if you will at what was happening in the early church – taking a look back and pulling back the curtain to see the mission control. We pick up today where we left off last week – the Holy Spirit had been given to these 120 Followers who had been waiting in Jerusalem and there were 3 incredible signs given including them being able to speak in other known languages that the people who were there from other nations could hear and understand. There was a huge crowd that had gathered and they had questions and looking for answers.

The coming of the Holy Spirit had nothing to do with these disciples did Other than, that did what Jesus told them to do. (Go back and wait) It is centered not around them being in one accord and one place but instead it is centered around the particular day in which God in His sovereignty chose to bring the Holy Spirit to His church and baptize these believers with the Holy Spirit and fill them for the very first time.

A huge pivotal point here, the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit. Promised in the Old Testament even to the last prophet, John the Baptist of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Their disciples were waiting, praying together, electing a new disciple, but yet surely the disciples missed Jesus, and perhaps they were wondering, how would they be His witnesses.? Yes they believed the promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit, but Jesus was no longer with them. There had to be a certain sense of emptiness which is not a bad thing really – in fact when we are empty then we are at a place where we can be filled. We get to see behind the curtain if you will of the Supernatural birthing of the 1st Church. We see Mission Control and how the behind the scenes prayer and filling of the leadership had prepared them for what was next – the coming of the Holy Spirit upon them which would truly change the world forever!

Due to the nature of the topic and security concerns for our overseas partners, this service is not available online. However, you can call the church office and request a copy of the DVD and we would be happy to mail it to you!!

Remember there were still those that were angry about Jesus and his claims, and angry at his followers over these claims of his resurrection. People that wanted to take these disciples out. They probably were not able to find a job, many were against them. Each other was all that they had. At this point, most of us would not be concerned with the spiritual things, but rather "I gotta find a job", "protect myself", "how can I support my family", "hide". Maybe some of them were ready to go out right then and start the Church – why wait? Just fresh off the resurrection and now the ascension – there had to be an excitement in the air – why not hit it while it’s hot? Most important to them, simply obedience.

The disciples did exactly what Jesus had told them to. Completely obedient to his direction, without any reservation, and really with no more information than that. Some of us might have said, "Well I’ll go, but I need a few more details, a few more assurances that this is where I need to go and this is what I need to be doing." NO... they went. This is a big deal.

Sharing the 3 Circles

We live in a broken world, surrounded by broken lives, broken relationships, and broken systems. This brokenness is seen in suffering, violence, poverty, pain, and death around us. Brokenness leads us to search for a way to make LIFE work. In contrast to this brokenness, we also see beauty, purpose and evidence of design around us. The bible tells us that God originally planned a world that worked perfectly - where everything and everyone fit together in harmony. God made each of us with a purpose - to worship Him and walk with Him. - Life on Mission 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide Let's take a look at the 3 circles and how to share Christ more effectively with the lost and dying.

We’ve been building a foundation – which is critically important but it then must move into application – living out our faith in real life – in our everyday lives. We talk about being on mission – when we hear that what do we most often think? We might think giving to an offering or going on a mission trip… natural response. But what if we realize that was only a small part of it? What if all of us really took seriously our call to consider our own backyard, neighborhood, a mission field just like our missionaries do who go overseas or to other parts of our nation? What if we lived like that? That’s missional living – seeing and understanding our call to live missionally – live like a missionary every day of our lives with the people who the Lord has placed around us!

Our call is to help people understand that they are broken, that our world is broken and what they can do with that brokenness. We have tremendous opportunities when others share their brokenness with us or when we choose to get involved in the brokenness of other people’s lives. We have the chance to speak the truth and good news of the Gospel into their lives. This isn’t always easy, though just sharing the Gospel should be normal and natural for us. I really believe the Lord is calling us to get involved in the brokenness of people’s lives so that we can share the great news of the Gospel.

People who thought their life was over, dreams were shattered, the darkest of nights they had ever experienced that didn’t seem to have an end, disillusioned, wondering where Jesus was now and His plan? They were tired, weary, afraid, they had really lost all hope. Can I go on? Can you relate today? Have you been there before? We will all have these kind of days, weeks, or even years sometimes. The real question then comes: How do we get to other side? How can we see Life Begin Again?

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