Savior – 17 times – save 37 times – In the book of Psalms alone – there are many Psalms called Messianic Psalms that refer directly to Jesus, that are prophecies of His life, His crucifixion, his death one of the most descriptive and lengthy is from Psalm 22. Isaiah and many other places give us a glimpse of this Savior, who wasn’t just a New Testament concept, but one....
We continue to look at the Psalms this summer and take a deep look into who God is as He revealed Himself to the Psalmists and as they responded back to Him in worship and prayer. Background of Psalm – Written by David – He is sharing his personal experiences here. We don’t know exactly when he wrote it....
As we continue our Series in the Psalms we come to Psalm 33. Looking at it from a personal standpoint, from our church’s standpoint, and then as a nation, God has a Word for us indeed. Every day we live, our world continues to spiral downward taking our morals down the toilet. And before I get too far down the path of blaming Washington and our leaders, we have to take a deep look inside and see what we are doing, how are we living and how we are allowing the Lord to change us into His image to be more like Him.
3 different pictures we can see here in this Psalm 1. The reference for the Jew of the day and the importance of temple worship, perhaps written by someone who couldn’t get there, or perhaps written during the exile when they were far away from the temple. The temple had huge significance for them as it represented...
This challenge and call this morning is aimed at our fathers today – but mom’s it is aimed at you as well – and for that matter it is aimed at us all so let us dig into this wonderful and short Psalm that is packed full of truth and application for our lives today! Our call today is that we would remember that the Lord is the Watchman – the Sentinel – over our lives and our call is to be a Sentinel where He has strategically placed us in our lives.
This is definitely by far one of my favorite Psalms, and even some of my favorite songs as this Psalm has been put to music in several different songs! It is full of important theology and depth about God. Wiersbe said it best, “What we think about God and our relationship to Him determines what we think about everything else that makes up our busy world — other people, the universe, God's Word, God's will, sin, faith, and obedience. Wrong ideas about God will ultimately lead to wrong ideas about who we are and what we should do, and this leads to a wrong life on the wrong path toward the wrong destiny. In other words, theology — the right knowledge of God — is essential to a fulfilled life in this world. David contemplated God and wrote for us a psalm whose message can only encourage us to be in a right relationship with Him.”
We begin a new series this morning that dives into the book of Psalms and we will take a look at 17 different Psalms from now through August.
The Direction to Take: Trust in the Lord With All We Are This is one is so easy to say – well of course I trust the Lord. Are you truly trusting the Lord with everything you are, with your whole heart? When is the last time you took a risk to obey Christ? The last time you took that leap of faith and just trusted?
We move to the third message today and that is what is the path that God will direct – what path do I need to put my life on today that will assure me I am on the right one? This Scripture includes perhaps the 2 most recognizable verse in Proverbs, so let’s not rush over these or any other of the verses here. In each of these sections we see there is a motivation for following the Lord, there is a dividend if you will and also a danger to avoid as we take the right direction, most are given and a few are implied. Let’s take a look at two verses at a time today and how they apply to our lives. This is obviously very applicable to our graduates today but just as relevant for the rest of us.