Today we finish the incredible series that we started back in March. It led us on an exciting journey to meet lots of different people who encountered Christ. We saw how their lives were forever changed. They did a literal 180° turn and were never the same again. And by the way, shouldn’t that be the theme of our lives – our own 180° experience and helping others to have that same 180° experience in their lives?
The event we are looking at today plays out with the backdrop of Jesus' resurrection that morning. Two of Jesus followers are headed out of Jerusalem leaving behind all their hopes
and dreams: a dead Messiah who some said was alive but they simply
couldn’t put their minds around it. We can all relate to these guys...
Today, we see ourselves being able to identify so easily with the Desperate and the Unworthy!
We often ask the question, "How good do I have to be to get into
heaven?" Which leads us to, "How good is good enough?" It’s really the
wrong question, the real questions is how desperate are you this morning?
Do you feel your unworthy of God’s love? Do you think there is no way
that Lord would accept you? I have am incredible word for you:
Christ is ready to meet you right where you are!
This morning as we continue our journey through the book of Luke we’ll look at the incredible Devotion of 4 friends who did whatever it took to get their friend to Jesus. As a result, their friend experienced amazing Deliverance by Jesus from being unable to walk to a man who walked again and, more importantly, found his sins forgiven...
We have seen how Jesus dealt with Disease and Death and now we will see him deal with the Demon Possessed or Demoniac. As we continue our journey we jump backwards in our study of the book of Luke and see where Jesus commissioned the first missionary before He
ever commissioned the apostles and other believers in the book of Acts. It is the most unthinkable person, the most unlikely that Jesus uses...
“Be still there is a healer.” I have to believe that if there could have been a song written by the individual we are talking about today, this would have been the song…
We continue to look at 180° moments in the book of Luke and how
these people were at dead ends in their lives until they met Jesus.
The question and challenge for us this morning is, "Are we willing to make
the 180° turn that we need in our daily lives?" That is what I am
praying for in your life and mine: a U-turn that
only the Lord can bring in our lives!
This morning we turn our attention to the Unbelievable as Jesus faces Death head on. We will simply be amazed at these 2 events in the lives of two very different people yet with the same amazing outcome.
We begin a new series today, one I am looking forward to for I love
reading the gospels about Jesus and how He affected the people that came
in contact with Him. Over the next 9 weeks we will see his influence in people's lives
particularly in the book of Luke and then using the other gospels who also
recorded the same events to shed light on the story. We’ll look at 9
people, or sometimes groups of people, whose lives came in touch with Jesus
and they had an 180° moment in their life.