Livestream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm!Click here to watch!

Here comes Paul charging into Damascus to wreak havoc and destruction, but instead he is brought to his knees and is led into the city blinded, helpless and impotent. When he sees Christ for who He is, he also sees himself for who he really is: the blood thirsty, misguided and vengeful person he had become! Today in our SHINE Series, we look at "Transformation that Changes Everything".

Brother Brad walks us through the powerful and challenging reminder of our call to tell someone about Jesus!!

This week we dive back into our Acts New Frontiers Series that we paused from earlier in this year. Today, join us as we look at Saul - the murderer, Stephen - the martyr, & Phillip - the missionary.

Let It Be So in Me

The prayer begins with the recognition of who God is and it ends in the same fashion. Let us look closely at each word and its meaning & application for our lives today, this week, & the rest of our lives.

The One Thing No One Is Exempt From

We continue our look at the Lord's Prayer with the section, "Give us this day our daily bread" and the message, OUR PLEA "The One Thing No One Is Exempt From".

No one likes to be called a sinner. Most people have a wrong conception of sin as if it were only reserved for the murderer, adulterer, foul mouthed person, drunkard, etc. They are not guilty of these sins; they live a decent, ordinary, respectable lives and have never even been in danger of appearing in court or going to prison. Yet the Bible is clear in 1 John 1:8, If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

Seeking That Which We Often Presume

Here Brother Brad continues the current series on the Lord's Prayer.

Pastor Brad takes a break from the PRAY/ER Message Series, to share a personal testimony.

Finding the Purpose of Our Lives

So we’ve looked at the 1st three parts of this prayer and we now move to the 4th. We will see that our Pursuit (That He is our King and we are living for His kingdom and not our own) is so closely tied to our Purpose (That our will be the same as the Lord’s will for our live), that the two are tied together. In fact, our purpose comes out of our deep abiding Passion (Making the name of Jesus great above any other) because of our relationship, and the Privilege of that relationship with our Heavenly Father!

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