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There is no greater sense of unity than we come and pray together and ask the Lord to put us on the same page! Have you experienced some of those moments. Oh that Petal FBC would be like the early church and pray together in unity! And because of their prayer and the unity of their prayer – the Lord was pleased to answer it and does so in a powerful way! Division hinders the church and robs us of the spiritual power we so desperately need!


Toni Marino is a precious young lady who is battling Leukemia for the 4th time. She recently made the decision to ask Jesus into her heart, so we wanted to celebrate with her! This video shows her baptism and a little one-on-one with Toni and Brother Brad. We are asking everyone to please fast at least one meal a week to pray and plead with God for Toni's healing! If you would like to help the Marino family, please visit our Facebook page or contact us at the Church Office 601.545.3198

How Not To Lose Heart

Guest Speaker, Brother Don Gann, speaks from Hebrews 12:1-3 on "How Not To Lose Heart?"

A Prayer Meeting Like No Other!

They returned to their fellowship (perhaps they had already been praying for them and their release – How do we know that? Acts 12:5 What do men of courage do after facing difficult moments – run and hide? No way – they go back to their Church Family and do what they had always done. This is why they were men of courage.

Courage Revealed in Confrontation

The context from last week, Peter’s response to the question, really finishes his sermon the next day to the Sanhedrin council. This was in response to what Peter had been sharing with them in a sense of presenting the message to the council. Luke 21:15 We see this coming true right before our very eyes.

It's All In The Name Part 2

We start a new section today of Acts and we have focused on the early days of the Church and the launch of the Church, and the mission control and their leaving earth and now this morning we turn our attention to how the Lord works through specific individuals in the life of the Church and how they displayed incredible courage as they relied on the Holy Spirit to embolden them.

Never Getting to the Bottom

Our challenge is to understand that the “rediscovery” of the gospel should be a lifelong process that never ends. We began our Christian life by drinking from Christ’s everlasting water. We don’t grow in Christ by enlarging the circumference of our well; we grow in Christ by digging deeper into it.

Hating My Life

As You have been to me, so I will be to others. We turned that corner last week and began to work our way to letting this Gospel spill out of our lives into the lives of others. We love others in response to the love we’ve experienced in the Gospel – we’ve experienced the extravagant generosity of God and so therefore we understand we extend that same generosity others. God’s Great Abundance & Our Allocation of those Resources The Gospel motivates us to generosity not by Guilt (we never give enough) or Greed (We give so we can get) but by Grace (we give because we have received). The bottom line is that it is impossible to believe the gospel and not become like the gospel!

Whose Family Are You In?

The truth and meaning of John’s writing refers to the believers’ not sinning. All of the verbs he uses referring to sin are in the present tense, indicating continuous, habitual action. In other words, John is not referring to occasional acts of sin, but to established and continual patterns of sinful behavior. Believers will sometime sins – even willfully – but they will not and cannot sin habitually, persistently as a way of life.

Audacious Faith

We want to talk this morning about having an audacious faith and doing something and seeing something happen that we didn’t think we could do or could possibly happen. Will we really take God at His Word and believe that He will do what He said He would do and be who He said he would be – We are reading about it every day as I hope you are reading in the Gospels five days each week! Well, let me share with about this guy and doing something He would never dream he could do!!

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