WORTH IT “Commit to Lifelong Radical Generosity” Acts 20:32-36 March 8, 2020
WORTH IT! "A Church Embracing Its Mission" Exodus 36:1-6 March 1, 2020
WORTH IT “God Owns It All” Psalm 24:1 & Deuteronomy 8:10-18 February 23, 2020
WORTH IT “Saving for Harvest & Famine” Genesis 41:25-42, 47-49, 53-57 February 16, 2020
WORTH IT “Trusting God Completely” Philippians 4:10-13 February 9, 2020
WORTH IT “S.O.T.C.: Is It Really Worth It?” Matthew 19:27-30 January 12, 2020
WORTH IT “A New Kind of Normal” Proverbs 22:7 January 5, 2020
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