Livestream on Sundays at 10:30am, 2:00pm, 5:00pm!Click here to watch!

“Malachi: The Problem & the Proof” Malachi 1:1-5; 4:1-6 August 5, 2018

"Habakkuk & Zechariah: God’s Presence & Promise” Habakkuk 3:16-19, Zechariah 1:1-6 July 29, 2018

Zephaniah gives us a glimpse into the future to motivate us to live for God today. Haggai show us that in spite of our sinful ways, He blessed us with forgiveness and salvation. We should thank Him daily by living for Him and sharing His love to all people.

Micah: What Does God Require of the Church?

Jonah & Nahum: God's Patience and His Promise

"Joel:  Sound the Alarm The Day Is Coming – Be Saved!”

Amos and Obadiah remind us that God's judgment is sure and impending!

Hosea teaches us the length and depth of God's love and forgiveness for mankind.

Daniel teaches us to trust in an Unchanging God.

Ezekiel teaches believers that God judges sin but also offers forgiveness and restoration.

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