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Reading the Psalms & Proverbs Part 2 1 Cor. 1:18-25; James 3:13-18 ReFuel October 18, 2017

The believer should be burden for the unbelievers he/she meets daily and willing to share the Gospel with them.

Reading the Psalms & Proverbs Pt 1 1 Cor. 1:18-25; James 3:13-18 ReFuel October 11, 2017

Living Desperately is living with a daily sense that we are totally dependent on God to live life!

Being "connected" should be a priority in the believer's life.

Reading the Psalms

Reading the Psalms & Proverbs Ephesians 5:15-20 ReFuel September 27, 2017

The 6 Marks Living Biblically

To "Live Biblically" is to make the Bible and its principles the guiding force in one's life.

Reading the OT Prophets

“Reading the OT Prophets” Romans 1:1-4 ReFuel September 20, 2017

Living Authentically is essential for an effective Gospel witness!

“Reading the Old Testament Law” Jeremiah 31:31-34; Heb 8:7-13 ReFuel September 13, 2017

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